

I can’t believe it has been so long since my last blog post! For those who follow me on Instagram you will be fully aware as to where I have been, for those who don’t I will share with you now… I am now a mummy to the most beautiful 1 year old little girl!

My pregnancy was not the easiest and wiped me out pretty much from day 1. Think 24 hour sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum) for most of the pregnancy, crippling fatigue and then in the later stages back and pelvic pain that required the use of crutches and to complete the mix carpal tunnel syndrome. Basically it didn’t leave me much time for blogging or sewing or anything really! It was just a case of getting through the 9 months.

Before I got pregnant I had visions of sewing up beautiful creations for my baby and having a permanent glow, the reality was very different!! The birth was not an easy experience either ending in an emergency C-Section (a story for another time maybe)..

The past year has been a whirlwind blur of sleepless nights, feeding and changing nappies. We celebrated Mabel’s birthday on the 29th September and I feel ready now to engage again with the blogging world and crack on with some sewing projects!

Fear not lovely followers this blog will not become a mummy blog, this will be my space to be me, so expect posts just like before, sewing, baking, ramblings and inspiration, maybe the odd baby picture. I can’t promise daily posts, but I will update as much as I can.

For those still following me after all this time I thank you! WordPress told me when I logged in it is 4 years today since I started this blog! Very appropriate that my first post in so long is today! (Edit: My first post was actually 19th October)




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